Restoration Therapeutic Massage
Cameron Ann Crowley MA60483783

About Cameron

I love Structural Integration.  The brilliant Ida Rolf pioneered this type of massage, now called Rolfing.  Thomas Myers, one of her many students, wrote an amazing book called Anatomy Trains in which he mapped his versions of the myofascial lines out, and he began a school of the same name in Maine.  I have been practicing the Anatomy Trains modality of SI for 10 years.  I became interested in SI because I like to "work smarter, not harder" (i.e. it's easier for me) but then my clients started getting much better much faster, which was so amazing.

I graduated from the Cortiva Institute of Massage program in Seattle.  I worked for the Massage Bar in Seatac Airport and the beautiful Cedarbrook Spa before I landed at the treatment-based Living Lotus Wellness Center (which became Greenlake Health Center) for 3 years.  I also worked at the Blue Giraffe Spa in Ashland, Oregon for a year and a half, before starting my own massage business in nearby Medford.

Before that I was a preschool teacher (off and on, but for a total of about 12 years), a cook and an office worker.  I've studied Women's Studies and Nutrition as well as early childhood education.  In my free time, I'm remodeling our condo with my partner Justin, and building a tiny house on wheels, gardening and doing fiber arts (including the weavings on the wall in Burien).


Rolfing LaVida West Seattle acupuncture nutrition One Earth Jeanne Vadnais